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Who are we?

Connection Church Lead exists to declare all of Christ for All of Lead!  What does this mean?  It means that Jesus is Lord over all.  Jesus has all authority in Heaven and on Earth.  So we seek to proclaim the Lordship of Christ in every way over every aspect of life here in Lead, SD.

Image by Rod Long

We Believe and Teach

Southern Baptist Churches affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.  (See link below)  For a short summary of what is taught at Connection Church Lead see the list of the Five Sola's of the Reformation.  Our teaching is also reflective of The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689. (See link below)  If you have questions about what we affirm and teach, contact us.

1. Salvation is by grace alone.

We believe that all people are sinners, falling short of God’s perfect standard.  But God, by His grace, provided a way of salvation.  By grace, redeeming and justifying all who trust in Him.  We aim to make God’s grace known our community.

2. Through faith alone.

This salvation is only found through faith in Jesus Christ and His work on our behalf.  By placing your faith in Christ you are forgiven of your sins and justified before God.  We aim to see the lost be reconciled to God through faith in Christ as their savior.

3. In Christ alone.

There is no other way to God than Jesus.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  Jesus, being truly God and truly man was able to pay the price we justly owe God for our sin.  He bore the wrath of God on behalf of anyone who would repent of their sin and believe in Him.  We aim for all to see salvation is found in Christ alone.

4. According to Scripture alone.

Scripture is the Word of God.  It is inerrant (without error) and authoritative.  It is the truth of God’s glory, man’s rebellion, and God’s gift of salvation.  All of scripture points to Christ.  Scripture is what we must build our lives on and is the foundation and test of all of our beliefs.  We aim to grow people’s understanding and obedience to Scripture.

5. For the Glory of God alone.

All things work together for the glory of God.  The purpose of man is to glorif God.  He is deserving of all praise and glory.  God’s glory is on full display in the gospel and salvation.  We aim to give God glory in all things, seeking to keep none for ourselves.

For More Info, See Links Below.

Our Purpose

Go, Disciple Lead, SD.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 

Jesus' command to the Church before ascending to Heaven was to go and disciple the nations.  We believe this is the primary mission of the Church.  Connection Church Lead seeks to make disciples in Lead, SD , teaching them to obey Jesus, training them to make other disciples all for the glory of God.  We want to see all of Lead discipled for the glory of God!

Go Disciple Lead, SD.png

A Plea To Men!

We want you to join us.  Part of discipling the nations is a strong commitment to building things that last.  We are building culture.  This is something that cannot be done alone.
Have you ever felt like there was more to life?  There is!  You can join our community and work with us to become more than you are.  You have abilities and resources that can be used for the glory of God and the betterment of the world.  We want to help you find where you are uniquely gifted and grow you in how to use those gifts. 
You can be more than you currently are.  You can use the gifts you have been given to do amazing things.  If you have ever felt like you can be more than you are, connect with us!



Jonathan Hansen

Jonathan Hansen is the Pastor of Connection Church Lead.  Born and raised just a few miles away in Spearfish, Jonathan loves the Lead community and is passionate about sharing the gospel there.  He and his wife Katharine love living and being connected in Lead.  He is passionate about his Lord Jesus Christ, theology, and the preaching of Scripture.

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